Friends in the Community
Our Friends group is out in the community trying to find new members. Won't you join us?

Ashley Corn Show
Jack was available at the 2023 Ashley Corn Show to answer any questions!
Jack and Scott served cake at the Wornstaff 95th birthday party on August 26, 2023. They were available to answer questions and we received two new members! Thank you to Cindy Patrick for donating the cakes. They were delicious!

Happy Birthday Wornstaff!

Our first official Fundraiser!
Please join us on September 1 at the Delaware City Barbeque for our very first fundraiser! Just mention that you are there with the Friends of Wornstaff and 20% of your bill will be donated back to our charity.
Thanks to everyone who donated and attended our City BBQ fundraiser, we met our first goal of $1,000! The check was presented to the Wornstaff library board on Monday, October 9, 2023. The money will be used for the library's summer reading program.
Pictured from left to right: Wornstaff Library Board Members George Patterson and Shari Fridley, Wornstaff Board Vice President Haley Leonard, Friends of Wornstaff Library President Jack Higginbotham, and Library Director Amee Sword.